How I Got 85% in My Graduate Coursework – A Guide by Harvard Graduate

Hi there! I’m Andrew Joseph, a Harvard student who secured 85% in my graduate coursework. You might think that I am an exceptional person with extra hours in my clock or surplus neurons in my brain, but that’s not the case. Securing “85% in the graduate coursework” boils down to a series of steps I followed while studying and preparing for my exams.

In this article, I’ll break down my preparation process to assist you with your studies. Let’s map out the essential steps that need to be followed when working for success!

Assess Where You Stand in the Semester

You should have a clear know-how of where you are in the current semester, i.e. what you have covered already and what needs to be done. You will need to analyse the following points:

  1. Do you need to improve your grades in only one subject or many? Are you left with submitting due assignments or just preparing for the final exam?
  2. Enlist the classes you are currently attending, what you are left with in each class and the due dates for all the assignments, essays and exams.
  3. I used my syllabus as a guide. You should use a calendar to mark all the important dates, such as due dates for assignments and exams.

The next step is what personally appeared really interesting to me!

Assess and Analyse Your Study Techniques and Behaviours

I cannot stress enough the importance of this analysis. It solves half of your stress relating to your exam and relieves you of the unnecessary burden of worrying about your grades. You will need to sit down and ponder over the following points:

  1. Think about how you have been studying till now. Analyse what helped you and what didn’t, and figure out why.
  2. Do you have all the necessary course books and helping material available at hand? If not, get them as soon as possible!
  3. Do you miss your classes regularly? If yes, STOP following this practice and be a regular student in order to save your sinking ship!
  4. Try your level best to avoid tardiness, procrastination, and missing assignments – it comes from practice! Successfully completing each course is necessary to complete your degree.

All you need to work on is you and you alone. Start by fixing your study habits and your grades will improve automatically! However, if you can’t, then hire a British coursework writing service to write your coursework.

Take the Help of Your Supervisor!

When stuck with your grades despite all your efforts to get better at them, ask for the help of your supervisor! They understand the problems you and your fellows might encounter and are well aware of the solutions. What’s wrong with taking a little help –eh?

  1. Ask your teacher what you can do to save your grades or improve them to the next level.
  2. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get a positive response from your supervisor! If you’ve been a lazy student so far and are suddenly asking for help, chances are that your supervisor may not be going to be impressed.
  3. Ask your supervisor if you can redo some assignments or submit other essays/assignments for extra credit. If you hired coursework writing services to get help with your assignments, try to accomplish those assignments on your own.
  4. Feel free to ask for help as soon as you encounter any trouble. Don’t wait until the last minute to ask for help – it’s too necessary!

What if you don’t get the help you were expecting to receive? It doesn’t change anything. I felt pretty discouraged at first when it happened to me, but then I collected myself. You can also look for the best coursework help online. Keep trying, and it will pay off eventually!

Create a Study Schedule

Study schedule – way too cliché but way too essential for success!

I found it very helpful during my study process. Although following a perfect schedule is not as easy as it may sound. With a little effort, you’ll become regular in following it!

  1. Sit down and make a detailed schedule of how much time you will spend studying and class attendance each day.
  2. Try to study more than one topic each day. Avoid large cram sessions, and try to take it chunk by chunk!
  3. Do all the planning for studying 2-3 hours each week for each credit hour you are enrolled in.

For example, if you are enrolled in a 3-hour Law class, you should study for additional 6-9 hours per week for the Law class. It sounds like dedicating many hours to a subject – but it’s what it is. These additional hours will spearhead the journey of your academic excellence!

Stick to Your Studies!

You must stick to your study schedule and plans until you ace the grades you desire! There is no easy way for it. You will need to hustle and grind hard to make it to the grand 85% by the end of your graduate coursework – and trust me, it will be worth it!

  1. Stay focused on your study plan.
  2. Keep a check on your progress. Evaluate it and reward yourself for achievements. You deserve it!
  3. Avoid distractions at all costs! Distractions suck in all the time you need to devote to your studies and might leave you too drained to focus on your subjects.
  4. If you’re working along with studying (which is a regular practice for a majority of Harvard students), ask for reduced hours at work. However, do so only if you find it appropriate and affordable!
  5. Remember that you have very limited time on your hands – use it wisely!

It’s way too easy to get distracted when studying for better grades, and quitting always seems easier than trying and working hard. Friends, events, parties, social media, games, TV, phone, tablet, and napping are all enticing but won’t help you get an 85% in your graduate coursework!

Wrapping it Up

While working for your dreams, remember the famous adage that it always seems difficult until it’s done. Feeling low is normal, but you are not permitted to give up and quit. Keep working, take little steps, and you’ll make it!