Grammar and punctuation mistakes in your academic writing are just because of carelessness and ignorance. Most students do not pay attention to punctuation and lose marks in coursework, assignments, and exams. While writing your coursework or any other academic paper, you must avoid mentioned common punctuation mistakes that students mostly do. Here are some common mistakes as shared by a coursework writing service;
Using Apostrophes At Wrong Place:
Many students place the apostrophe at the word where it is not required. Sometimes instead of using the plural form, they place apostrophe with the singular word. An apostrophe is placed where you have to use the possessive form or in contractions.
Wrong: this research paper is your’s. (The word yours already sows the possession, so using an apostrophe is wrong.)
Right: This is Sarah’s research paper.
Wrong Use of Quotation Marks:
Quotation marks are used when you have to quote something like a person’s word. Many students place them wrongly in text or use them when they want to emphasize some part of a sentence. For emphasizing you just made the words bold or italic.
Wrong: The recent research studies have confirmed that ‘the coronavirus is caused by the bats’. (Here if you want to emphasize the cause you should make it bold instead of putting it in quotation marks)
Right: Researches about the cause and spread of coronavirus are still in progress. “the specific species of bats which is doubtful for causing and spreading the virus is currently under study and tests”, a spokesperson at the research center told the media.
Placing Commas At Wrong Place:
If commas are not placed or placed in the wrong place, they alter the meaning of the sentence. Similarly, you cannot add too many commas in one sentence.
Wrong: research studies have shown that proper sleep is necessary but many people skip it which is one of the factors that cause stress.
Right: Research studies have shown that proper sleep is necessary, but many people skip it, which is one of the factors that cause stress.
Wrong use of Its and It’s:
Using its instead of it’s and it’s in place of its, is a very common mistake. It’s is the contraction of it is and it does not show possession. The word Its is used for showing possession.
Wrong: Its a matter of fact that we always learn from mistakes.
Right: It’s a matter of fact that we always learn from mistakes.
Unappropriate or Too Much Use of Exclamation Mark:
Such a large number of exclamation marks in a sentence confuses the reader and depreciates every individual exclamation point. Be classy in using exclamation marks. Save them just for the enormous focuses and for the closures of sections, leaving the reader on a high note.
Using The Oxford Comma:
The absence of a reliable technique for utilizing commas when you are listing things can be incensing for punctuation experts and casual readers the same. In British writing, the Oxford comma, which is the comma before the last thing in a list, is standard. In the United States, it has gotten ordinary to avoid the last comma, particularly in news-casting, however, the debate about its usage or skipping is continuing. There is no set in stone when it goes to the Oxford comma. It’s a matter of inclination. Simply keep it steady in all that you write.
Commas Before and After However:
If you are using the word, however in your sentence, you must place a comma before and after it.
Wrong: Power in society however is an asset that has to be careful if it is to last.
Right: Power in society, however, is an asset that has to be careful if it is to last.
Use of Hyphen and Dash:
Utilize a hyphen (a little line) to join two words to make a solitary thought. It’s most oftentimes used to consolidate two words into a modifier. Utilize a dash (a more extended line with spaces before and after) to show that you are moving onto a different thought or line of reasoning.
Use of Colon and Semi-Colon:
Utilize a colon if you need to set o a rundown of things. If you need to isolate two related, however, different ideas or points, utilize a semi-colon. Or on the other hand, on account of semi-colons, think about a period rather to break the idea into two separate sentences.
Using Punctuation with Quotations:
Punctuation is important for the content you are citing, so the punctuation goes inside the quotes. Note that in American English, the accentuation goes inside the quotes, while the British intersperse outside of the quotes.